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Heather Ring

Lead Consultant

(520) 508-9270

My Story

Hi! My name is Heather and I started my business in March 2023. Now, where my story begins is actually not that exciting at all. I really started selling because I am truly addicted to this product. I stand by it 100%. I asked myself "who would be my best customer?" Answer? ME! I would be able to sell what I love AND earn money back on my purchases. So I said "let's do it!" Now while that was my initial thought, this business has brought me more than just my favorite product and some money back on my purchases. I never would've thought that it would bring me so much more.

Before Scentsy, before Covid, before it all, I was an outgoing person, I could talk to complete strangers and make a connection. I was truly a people person. I loved being around big crowds. I was always wanting to make that new friend, or just simply be a light in a dark world.

Covid hit, like everyone else, I became comfortable being home (I mean did we really have a choice?) Then, anxiety was my biggest fan (yeah, because we alll just love anxiety, right?) I found myself not wanting to be around people, not even knowing how to even talk to people. I was AWKWARD! What??? Me awkward? What the heck happened?!! I hated it. I hated not being this quirky outgoing, life loving Heather that I and everyone around me knew.

As I started Scentsy I was so afraid. I couldn't even talk to my friends about this new exciting thing I was doing. I got discouraged. My anxiety was at its highest. So I became complacent and told myself, it's OK to be your only customer. That's why you started. Well about 3 months into my journey I started getting out there. I started sharing I started talking to people. I was getting back that Heather that I missed. I felt her wanting to bust through. So I pushed. I was scared but I pushed so hard and BAM!!! HEATHER WAS BACK!! Boom baby! I am back in full force. I am feeling confident again. I am talking to strangers. I am SMILING because I have found me again.

I know this is quite long, but I just had to share how my little business has made me come back and be me again. I don't want to lose that Heather again.

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